Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Defensive Strategy

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Everyone!!!!!!!! Thanks for tuning in, this time we will talk about common defensive strategies. We will cover defenses including the "man-to-man" set-up and the "zone" set-up. Don't worry if these terms seem unfamiliar to you at this time because by the end you will be an expert! Let's get started....woohoo...

In a man to man defense, each player is assigned to defend and follow the movements of a single player on the opposing tem. Often, a player guards his counterpart or person on the other team playing the same position (e.g. center guarding center), but a player may be assigned to guard a different position. The strategy is not rigid however, and a player might switch assignment if needed, or leave his own assignment for a moment to double team an offensive player.

The alternative to man-to-man defense is zone defense, in which the defender is assigned a specific area of the floor, and then guards whatever offensive player enters his area.

The advantage of the man-to-man defense is that it is more aggressive than the zone defense. It also allows a team's best defender to stay on a player who has to be guarded at all times. The disadvantage is that it allows the offensive team to run screens more effectively, and it leaves weaker or slower defenders more exposed. In a man-to-man defense, those defenders are generally teammates staying close to their own assigned offensive player, and thus are often not in good position to offer help should a weaker defender be eluded by the offensive player he is trying to guard.

Now it's time to get out to those courts and try it for yourself!!!! Thanks everyone for listening. Feel free to leave question, comments, or concerns!

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