Monday, May 2, 2011

Defensive Stance

Now it's time to talk about proper defense stance. This skill is crucial for becoming a great basketball player and stopping your opponent from scoring. I have put together 10 Key Steps to a Great Defensive Stance. So lets get started!...

  1. Fronts of the Feet - Most of your weight should be on the fronts or balls of your feet and the majority of the weight should be on the big toes, but still keep heels on the ground.
  2. Wide Base & Feet Turned Slightly In - Your feet should be pointing straight ahead or slightly turned in (pigeon-toed). This creates an angle that allows you to provide more force against the ground. Your feet should also be slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
  3. Hips Back & Knees Bent - Butt should be behind the heels and your knees should be pointing forward, but not past the toes.
  4. Knees Inside of Feet - This helps create better push-off power.
  5. Butt Down - Staying low helps maintain balance.
  6. Shoulders Over Knees - Your shoulders should be over your knees with your chest out and back straight or slightly arched.
  7. Hands up - Depending on the tactic (Hands out or hand up to defend shot/dribble).

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  1. Eyes focused on the player's waist or chest. Focusing on the ball may cause you to hesitate and not be ready for when the player makes their move.
  2. You should be able to draw a vertical line from the front of your forehead thru the front of your knees thru the front of your toes.
  3. All of this should create the perfect, balanced defensive stance.

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