Friday, April 29, 2011

The Perfect Free Throw

Helllo all!!! Now it's time to talk about the free throw...
Free throws are crucial to a team's success. Making these unguarded shots 15 feet from the hoop separates the winners from the losers. In a close game these points can be essential!
Here are the instructions:

1. Balance yourself at the free throw line. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to one another.

2. Point both feet and square your upper body toward the basket. Position your feet just behind the line; move one of your feet back an inch or two, if that's comfortable.

3. Hold the ball by using the hand of your nonshooting arm to support and cradle it lightly. Place the middle three fingers of your shooting hand on the seams of the ball, with your thumb and palm acting as supports.

4. Keep your shooting forearm straight, and avoid tilting it to one side. Try to keep the arm that will be releasing the ball oriented toward the basket.

5. Aim for a target just above the rim, and try not to shoot the ball short. A good target is the backboard shooting square drawn above the rim.

6. Bend your knees. An accurate shot doesn't rely on arm strength; it uses leg strength to propel the shooter upward.

7. Shoot in one fluid motion, straightening your knees to strengthen the shot and your arm to provide aim. Release the ball with your fingertips. This allows you more control over your shot and a softer arc because of the backspin you create.

8. Follow through by bending your shooting hand forward, as though you're reaching for the rim.

Now you have done it! keep up the practice and keep on reading my blog for more tips!!!

The Perfect Jump Shot

Here i am, back to give you the first lesson! Today i will discuss how to shoot the perfect jump shot. By following these steps and with a little practice you'll be shooting like a pro in no time! Here are the secret tips to perfecting your jump shot....

1. Balance

Having a strong base is the first aspect of a perfect jump shot.  A jump shot begins with your lower body, not your upper body.  Having great balance means your legs should be shoulder width apart and your shooting foot should be slightly ahead of your non-shooting foot. Next, your knees should be slightly bent.  Your feet and shoulders should be aligned with the basketball hoop. If you are wobbly then that means your not balanced.  If you hold strong, that means you have a solid base and are ready for the next step.

2. Eyes

You need to look at the basket in order to shoot. What to look at is a matter of personal preference. YOu can look at the front of the rim, middle, or back. I personally look at the back of the rim because more of my shots are shot than long. The key is to be consistant.


3. Elbow

Keeping your elbow in will allow you to get the forward, straight motion you need when shooting a jump shot.  Your elbow should be aligned with the basket at a 90 degree angle.  The angle will allow you to have your hand under the ball  in order to create a snap of the wrist.  To be in control, the ball should be resting on the pads of your fingers with your off-hand on the side to help guide the shot.

4. Follow Through

The follow through is the key to a perfect jump shot.  If you watch players with great jumpers, you will often see them leave the hand high in the air until the ball has reached the rim.  After the ball leaves your hand, your arm, wrist and hand should resemble a goose neck.  Another way to look at it is your arm should look like you are taking a cookie from a cookie jar in the top cabinet.  The purpose of a follow through is to make sure you’re guiding the ball through the basket!

If you still feel like you need more work check out this video illustrating the perfect form...

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hello everyone! My name is Judy! I play college basketball and have decided to post this blog to help all of you update your skills and perfect your game. I will try to be as clear and precise as possible. I will cover topics that include shooting the perfect jump shot, free throw, correct defensive stance, offensive strategy, and some defensive strategy. I hope everyone will find this to be beneficial in perfecting ther skills. So stay tuned and check in regularly to keep up and practice. I will also include some links to websites and a few videos so check those out. Talk to you soon!!!! -Judy